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HST 316/WMS 316: Women and Gender in Medieval Europe

A libguide that focuses on the experiences of women in pre-modern Europe.

Women and Gender in Medieval Europe

'Women's activities in the Middle Ages'

From left to right: Christine de Pisan; Maria of Brabant Marriage; Woman Teaching Geometry; Christine de Pisan - cathedra

Derivative work created by OTAVIO1981

Using this Guide:

Here you will find guides to research materials in both electronic and paper formats that will be useful for your research projects for HST 316/WMS 316, Women and Gender in Medieval Europe.

Sources listed and described include:

  • Reference sources
  • Primary sources
  • Online catalogs that identify books
  • Databases for journal articles and other materials
  • Reliable websites
  • Citation help
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Sonia Pacheco
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