In the Access Medical platform, users will find content across a variety of formats ideal for teaching, learning, point of care and clinical practice, including: Leading medical textbooks from the best minds in medicine, extensive multimedia library – Unique collections of examination and procedural videos, podcasts, lectures, anatomy modules, and more. Thousands of review Q&A for exam preparation and recertification. CME for in-services, certification, and recertification with content that covers a broad area of medicine. Thousands of real-life patient cases to help medical students better understand and evaluate clinical experiences by offering questions to frame the case and the approach to the patient, multiple point of care reference tools such as treatment guidelines, literature summaries, clinical references, immunization schedules, differential diagnosis tool, and more. Hundreds of drug monographs and customizable patient education handouts, downloadable figures and images to aid in visual diagnosis. Trial access available through March 17, 2025.