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What is RefWorks?

RefWorks is a web-based citation manager.

Using RefWorks, you can:

  • create a searchable database of your references
  • automatically import citations from many sources, including library databases and Google Scholar
  • organize your references into private or shareable folders
  • create reference lists
  • insert accurate in-text citations

RefWorks Tips

I'm happy to meet with you one on one to help you get comfortable using this valuable tool!

This page includes instructions for some core skills in RefWorks. For virtually anything else you might want to do, try these video tutorials:

Add In-Text Citations

To add in-text citations to your paper, use the curly brackets in RefWorks. Don't worry about the current citation format in which the citations display; when you use the Format Paper function, you can set all the citations to the right format at the same time.

arrow points to curly brackets

Format Your Document & Create a Bibliography

You can accurately format all your in-text citations and create a correctly formatted reference list at the same time! Just choose Format Document from the Bibliography menu.

Arrow points to Format Your Document link

Choose your desired output style and click select a file to choose the document you wish to format. Then open/save the document RefWorks creates for you.

Arrow points to select a file

Health Sciences and Engineering Librarian

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Kari Mofford
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Claire T. Carney Library
Room 238
285 Old Westport Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747