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HST 330: The Later Middle Ages

This guide covers resources that will be useful to students in HST 330: The Later Middle Ages, specifically addressing the history of Europe form the year 1000 down through the end of the 14th century.

The Later Middle Ages

"Miracle of the Cross at the Bridge of San Lorenzo" by Bellini"

Using this Guide:

Here you will find guides to research materials in both electronic and paper formats that will be useful for your research projects for HST 330, The Later Middle Ages.

Sources listed and described include:

  • Reference sources
  • Primary sources
  • Online catalogs that identify books
  • Databases for journal articles and other materials
  • Reliable websites
  • Citation help
You also have several ways to contact a librarian for help! Please talk to us before you get frustrated.


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Sonia Pacheco
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