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Portuguese Studies

About this Page

This page provides you with some information that will help you in searching the databases.

Tips for Searching

To find an article on a specific subject, go to the Find Articles page and choose the most appropriate database.  If you need help choosing a database, contact the librarian. We are happy to help you!!  If you already know which article you want, you can access directly by using Journal Locator.

These tutorials will help you improve your searching skills:


Claire T. Carney Library Tutorials

Using Boolean Operators


Tutorial: Using Boolean Terms: AND, OR, NOT.

Self Assessment:
Using Boolean Terms: AND, OR, NOT

Claire T. Carney Library Tutorials

Using Truncations


Tutorial: Truncations

Self Assessment: Truncations

Reading Citations


Tutorial: Reading Citations in an Online Database.

Self Assessment: Reading Citations in an Online Database


Primary and Secondary Sources

Primary sources provide raw material. It is not analyzed or interpreted. You (i.e., the scholar) must analyze the material. On the other hand, secondary sources offer someone else's analysis, interpretation or criticism of an activity or event.


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Sonia Pacheco
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285 Old Westport Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747