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Foreign, Comparative and International Legal Research

Resources for comparative and international legal research at UMass Law


This guide is intended for use by UMass Law students who are researching:

  • Public or private international law
  • The laws of a foreign country
  • The similarities and differences between laws of two or more countries

Students frequently consult guides when they are pursuing an upper-level writing project. If you have questions about this guide or would like to meet with a librarian to discuss your research, please contact law librarian Katelyn Golsby or the Law Library in person or via email.

Research Guides

The below links represent sources of research assistance which cover the same topics as this guide. Other research guides can provide in-depth explanations of important aspects of international law, coverage of specific countries you may want to research, and more. 


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Katelyn Golsby
Law Library
Room 102
333 Faunce Corner Road,
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Subjects: Law