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LAW 603 - Freedom of Information


This page provides information about finding cases on the topic of freedom of information and public records.

Landmark Cases

Court Documents in Westlaw and Lexis

Both Lexis and Westlaw house cases, briefs, trial court documents, transcripts and oral arguments, and dockets.  You may limit to searching these materials by using the links on the Lexis and Westlaw homepages respectively.  It's important to gather as much citation information as possible to locate your case.  Docket numbers, case numbers, party names, and dates are essential in the finding process.

Both databases offer selected court filings.  The only way to determine whether the document you are seeking will be there is to conduct a search.  Trial court-level filings are limited to cases with heavily-litigated topics, High-value cases, Cases with jury verdicts or settlements.

Westlaw Key Number System

Westlaw divides all areas of the law into over 400 concepts represented by a key with a corresponding number. Each key concept (such Key 326: Records) is further broken down into more finite concepts. Clicking on the keys relevant to your topic will produce a list of cases that cite to this concept.

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Rebecca Valentine

Law Library
Room 102
333 Faunce Corner Road,
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Subjects: Law