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Citation Management with Zotero

Learn to use Zotero to manage your references and associated digital files.

Create a Group Library

Having a group library with others is great when collaborating. You can also join existing public groups, or groups that are closed or private to which you've been invited.

To create a group library:

  1. Click "File"-->"New Library"-->"New Group" from the menu.

  2. The Zotero web site will open in your default browser; login to your account.

  3. Follow the instructions to create a new group and set the privacy status.

  4. You'll then be asked to fine tune the settings for the group type you select.

From the Zotero client, you'll see your group (or groups) below your own library in the left-hand pane.

You can drag and drop items between libraries; this only copies a reference, rather than moving it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your personal and group libraries are entirely separate entities. Making changes to an item in your library (for instance, adding information to the reference, or attaching a full-text PDF) will not impact a group library you belong to, even if the item is in both libraries. 

Invite Members to Your Group

When you'd like to invite members to join a group you started, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to and click on "Groups" in the top menu.

  2. You'll now see a list of all the groups you're associated with. Click on "Manage Members" under the group name.

  3. Look near the bottom of the page and click "Send More Invitations."

  4. You'll be taken to a page where you can list all email addresses you're interested in inviting.

Have Other Group Questions?

Health Sciences and Engineering Librarian

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Kari Mofford
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Claire T. Carney Library
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