Anonymous, Hanukkah lamp, late 18th-19th century, brass, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
Our library subscribes to many databases that you can search to find citations and/or full-text to articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals.
One of the fun things about religious studies is that many different disciplines can have something to say about it. The databases are grouped below by their specific focus or inclusiveness of religious studies and those for different subject areas that would be useful to search in for your religious studies topic.
Religious studies specific
Other useful subject databases
Use this search box to see if our library has a specific journal when you know the journal title you're looking for, like if you only found a citation but no full-text.
If we don't have access to the journal and/or specific issue, go to the Interlibrary Loan tab to learn how to get it for free!
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