Two key MS Word features for academic writing projects are (1) placing footnotes, and (2) creating a dynamic table of contents.
Placing footnotes is essential for attributing an author using academic legal standards. You should add a footnote with a citation any time you quote, paraphrase, or reference the works of another author or have another reason to cite to a case, statute, or really any source from which you derive your written information. To place a footnote, follow the below steps:
To create a dynamic table of contents, you will need to use and modify the "styles" available in Microsoft Word and then place a table of contents.
The below Youtube video will demonstrate how to track changes in Microsoft Word. Written instructions appear below the video.
Written Instructions:
Before you get rid of your metadata, please note that this can delete revisions made using track changes. If you need to show someone your changes to a document, be sure not to delete this information.
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