Do you have questions about the resources presented in this guide? Here are a few ways to contact us.
How much print money do I get each semester?
Your UMass pass is allocated $40 in Fall, and additionally $40 in Spring. Summer allotment will depend upon whether you take summer courses.
May I reserve a private study room?
Study rooms are available on a first-come first-served basis.
How do I request scanned pages from a book?
May I eat or drink in the library?
Yes, drinks and small snacks are allowed. For larger meals, please use the cafe area.
For general assistance call the circulation desk at 508-985-1121 or email us
Our staff are always happy to meet individually with students or faculty who have questions or need research assistance. Do not hesitate to ask!
When possible, it is useful for us to have advance knowledge of the topic you are researching. This allows us to pull together relevant resources, and offer the most efficient guidance.
We are usually open the following hours:
Mon - Thurs. 7:30am - Midnight
Friday 7:30am - 9:00pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 11am - Midnight
(hours may differ between semesters and during finals)
Please note that the Law School building is limited to current students by card access. The Law Library continues to offer virtual service for all.
Access Services & Library Information: 508-999-8750
Main Campus Telephone: 508-999-8000 • Reference Help Line: 508-999-8678 • Contact Reference
Claire T. Carney Library • University of Massachusetts Dartmouth © 2018
285 Old Westport Road, North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2300