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ENL 258: Literary Studies

About this Page

This page tells you how to request articles and books through interlibrary loan (ILL). If you have questions, please feel free to contact Kari Mofford.

Setting up an Account

The first time you use Interlibrary Loan, you need to set up your account, which is called Illiad.  This is where you will place requests and retrieve your electronic articles.  To set up your account, go to the main Interlibrary Loan website and click on "Login to your Illiad Account" button.  

Requesting Articles

To request an article, please fill out the article request form. You will receive an email with a link to your ILLiad account when the article is available for download. The turnaround time is largely dependent upon the loaning institution, so we can't tell you when you will receive the article. However, most article requests are filled within a week.  

If you need more help or step-by-step instructions, please contact us.

Book Requests

You can request books by filling out a book ILL request form. As with article requests, the turnaround time is largely dependent on the loaning institution.  That said, you can expect an average book request to take about 1-2 weeks.  

When your book arrives, you will receive an email notification.  You will pick up your books at the Access Services Desk, which is located on the library's first floor. 

You can also request specific chapters from a book, and if the lending library is able, they will scan and email you the chapter(s). Fill out the book chapter ILL request form to receive only specific chapters (generally not more than two).

Health Sciences and Engineering Librarian

Profile Photo
Kari Mofford
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Claire T. Carney Library
Room 238
285 Old Westport Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747