This database includes citations, abstracts, and some full-text articles from scholarly and trade journals and conference proceedings. Topics include acoustics, aeronautics, applied mathematics, atmospheric science, automotive engineering, chemical engineering, communication and information technology, electrical and electronic engineering, engineering and biomedical materials, energy resources and research, geology, industrial engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, petroleum and gas, physics, space science, textile industry and fabrics, and transportation.
This database collection includes Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA), Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database, and Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA). Abstracts, citations, and some full-text articles from scholarly and trade journals, dissertations, and more are included. Topics such as aquaculture, fisheries, conservation, astrophysics, geology, weather, and more are included.
SciFinder, from American Chemical Society, is the search interface to the Chemical Abstracts and MEDLINE databases. It provides subject coverage that includes the chemical aspects of astronomy, biology, education, engineering, economics, geology, history, mathematics, medicine, and physics.
Please note: access is limited to current UMassD students, faculty, and staff. You can register for an account here. If you would like access to SciFinder and are not a student or university employee, please contact Research and Information Literacy Services.
Additional web resources that contain preprints, e-prints, open access articles, and abstracts:
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