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Law Faculty Guide to Library Services

This guide is intended for law faculty to understand key services and resources available to them via the UMass Law Library.

What services are available to help me write?

The law library offers several services which may be helpful to faculty who are engaged in scholarship. These services include:

  • Collection Development
    • Each librarian in the law library is actively monitoring the availability of new books involving the subject matter interests of each of their assigned faculty members.
    • New titles will be shared with potentially interested faculty on a regular basis to determine whether they'd be a valuable contribution to our library.
  • Research Assistance and Consultation
    • Faculty members may reach out to their assigned liaison librarian for research help, including: 
      • Consultation on research strategy 
      • Locating relevant secondary and primary sources of law
      • Researching non-legal or law-adjacent academic sources
      • and more!
  • Document Delivery and ILL
    • The assigned liaison librarian is the first person faculty should contact when they need a difficult-to-find article or book.
    • In most cases, librarians can send digital copies of articles and book chapters. Otherwise, the liaison librarian will create an interlibrary loan request to get the item from a different library and will provide updates on the process per request.
  • Research Assistant Training
    • Faculty may refer their research assistants to liaison librarians for training at any point during a project. 

Scholastica for Faculty

Faculty at UMass Law have complimentary access to Scholastica's Law Review System, which allows the library to sponsor faculty submissions to law review across the country. Email your liaison if you wish to be added to the UMass Law account. Once added, you'll receive an email to create login information. Some of the benefits to using Scholastica include:


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Katelyn Golsby
Law Library
Room 102
333 Faunce Corner Road,
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Subjects: Law