Here you will find information on using the MLA guide for citations, the style most commonly used in English and Foreign Language courses at UMass Dartmouth.
Documenting your research completely, accurately, and in a correct format is essential. Information on avoiding plagiarism, and a link to Zotero, a program that allows you to create a personalized bibliographic database also appear on this page.
UMD Academic Regulations and Procedures - Read this passage from your student handbook!
Avoiding Plagiarism - OWL Guide from Purdue - This emphasizes when to give credit to sources and offers safe practices to follow.
Research in the Humanities uses a variety of citation styles, and your professor will tell you which style they want you to use in your papers for their classes.
In this class, the preferred style is MLA. We have a copy of the most recent edition available for in-person consultation at the Reference Desk, and this guide directs you to some of the best known web-based MLA resources.
Information on other citation styles can be found on the library's "Citing Sources" page.
Part of researching is having a strategy on how to manage all these resources/citations you've found. You can use a citation management tool like Zotero to organize citations to sources, collect digital files such as full-text PDFs, and cite sources automatically when writing papers.
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