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Our Town/Nha Vida

This is the webpage for the 'Our Town/Nha Vida' project, it contains information about the project, oral histories, and an exhibit.

The process

The project was initially conceived to have several different Cape Verdean interviewers in order to allow for ease in the recruitment of interviewees and scheduling of interviews, however, as we progressed in conversation with Mr. James 'Jim' Lopes, it was quickly realized that Mr. Lopes had an extensive network on which to draw interviewees from and that he would not have difficulty meeting the scheduling needs of the project participants. 

Interviews with students at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth were conducted by Sonia Pacheco, as these participants were drawn from her network in the student body. 

Residents of Milton Street

General Participants



Profile Photo
Sonia Pacheco
She series
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Claire T. Carney Library
Room 237
285 Old Westport Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747