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Find Journals by Title

Use this search box when you know the journal title you're looking for. If you're looking for articles by subject, see the Find Articles tab.

Tracking Down Journal Articles

When you are trying to track down a journal article citation that doesn't have a hyperlink, start by checking to see if we have a subscription to the journal.  

Type in the journal's title and if we have a subscription you will see it in the results.  If we do not,  you will need to request your article through Interlibrary Loan.  

Next, open the record to see what coverage we have for our subscription:

Check links under "View Online" and see if the year of the publication you want is covered.  In this example, we have access to issues from 1976 to the present in the Ovid Collection.  If your article falls within this range, click on the link to the publisher's page or database.  On the publisher or database page, if you don't see a list of journals by year and volume, check for "archived issues" or "past issues" on the page.  

Next, choose the year and volume you need.  You will then see all the articles in the volume often by page number.  Scroll down to your article and open the full text.  

If you are unable to locate the article or access the full text, please contact a librarian for assistance!  

Health Sciences and Engineering Librarian

Profile Photo
Kari Mofford
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Claire T. Carney Library
Room 238
285 Old Westport Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747