Databases allow you to structure a search for terms in a more limited and curated place than a typical search engine.
Our library subscribes to many databases that provide citations, abstracts, and full-text articles in newspapers, magazines, trade journals, and scholary journals.
To find peer-reviewed articles, there's usually a setting in advanced search or on the left side of the search results to limit by this!
Use this search box to see if our library has a specific journal when you know the journal title you're looking for, like if you only found a citation but no full-text.
If we don't have access to the journal and/or specific issue, go to the Interlibrary Loan tab to learn how to get it for free!
Feel free to browse these for inspiration or use their search interfaces to search them directly.
For those that are in the library catalog, go to the "Find Online" tab to see the databases that have them.