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Scholarly Legal Research

This guide presents resources for finding articles, books, and primary law to cite and discuss in your scholarly writing.


The Bluebook is your official guide to legal citation.  A critical tool throughout Law School and beyond, the Bluebook dictates how you will cite legal material. You may check this book out from the circulation desk for two hours at a time.

                                                        Photo of the Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation

Online Citation Manuals

The following citation manuals are available freely online.  Although your Bluebook is the official source to which you should turn, these resources can be used in a pinch.

Bluebook Basics Videos

Additional Legal Citation Resources

Ask a librarian for access to the following Bluebook guides:

CALI Lessons

CALI offers online tutorials in various areas of the law.  It's a great place to turn when you need an overview or clarification on a particular topic.  Tutorials are written by experts in the field.  Click the following links to find CALI lessons relevant to citation and legal research (login information required.  If you do not already have an account, ask a librarian):

Download the following eBook for free through CALI:

 PDF - Introduction to Legal Citation 2013

CALI also offers the following lessons (online tutorials):   

Legal Research 101: The Tools of the Trade

Legal Research Methodology

Librarian, UMass Law Library

Profile Photo
Jessica Almeida

Law Library
333 Faunce Corner Road
Dartmouth, MA 02747
Subjects: Law