This Visual and Media Literacy LibGuide provides faculty and students with the tools to develop and to apply visual literacy skills in scholarship, research, coursework, and professional practices. The guide includes standards and best practices and fair use principles along with resources for instruction, creation, documentation and deliberation of visual and media literacy.
Toledo Museum of Art. What is Visual Literacy and Critical Thinking [Online video clip] YouTube. 2015. Web 2017.
a set of skills that enables an individual to effectively find, interpret, evaluate, use, and create images and multi-media. As 21st century citizens, consumers, users, and creators, it is our obligation to become diligent in our approach to observe, to interpret, to analyze and to decipher visual and media content and its meaning.
Don Levy. "The Power to Tell the Differences: Visual Literacy in a Visual Age". [online video]. 2015. TedxABQ Salon. Web 2017.
More than ever, the 21st century citizen needs to master visual literacy. With the onset of the internet, social media, mobile devices and now “smart things”, we are bombarded with visual content that is design to influence how we think, what we do, and what we believe. The Internet is, perhaps, the largest image and media distribution and propaganda machine that humans have ever created. This 24/7 saturation of visual and media leaves us often numb. Making it more and more difficult to determine its merit or authenticity. Visual and media literacies provide us the mechanisms to combat these challenges and help us communicate more effectively.
Edutopia. "George Lucas on Teaching Visual Literacy and Communications".[online video]. May 10, 2012. Edutopia's YouTube Channel: